Jos 15-5-5
Jos 15-5-5 is a complete fertilizer that acts as a nutrient supplement and is made exclusively to condition and renew the soil.
When applied, Jos 15-5-5 acts in the soil in such a way that it causes the bacteria responsible for the transformation of nutrients to multiply and activate to such an extent that the different nutrients that are not in assimilable form in the soil are transformed and converted into forms that are easily assimilated by the plants, producing a renewal of the soil, increasing the activity of the natural soil bacteria, achieving the total absorption of nutrients and developing the maximum growth of the crop with the same amount of fertilizer that is normally used.
Jos 15 5 5 produces an increase in the size and volume of plants, an increase in the richness of color of leaves and flowers and enhances the increase in the size of the root system. Jos 15 5 5 5 favors the plant's natural defenses by conferring a protective effect on the agents that produce watery and various collar rots. In addition, it favors a good growth rate while maintaining flowering and fruiting.