Joscop 5 Eco admin September 25, 2023

Deficiency Correctors

Joscop 5 Eco


Systemic copper


It is a product complexed with heptagluconic acid, so copper is in the form of an organic complex as a gluconate. This complex has a high assimilability and a strong systemic activity. Copper is involved in the production of phytoalexins and in the synthesis of lignin. Its deficiency is manifested by necrosis of the leaves, which take on a wilted and dark appearance; sometimes they appear strongly rolled and with a white apex. Decreases the quality of grains and fruits. The bark appears rough and split, and may exude gums. In general, abnormal development and coloration of the plants is observed.

JOSCOP 5 Eco is indicated for the treatment of copper deficiency in plants, copper is 100% soluble. JOSCOP 5 Eco favors the essential processes in which copper is involved such as: - Flowering - Growth - Root development - Fruit set JOSCOP 5 Eco is recommended for sandy, high pH, highly calcareous, and organic soils as these soil conditions favor copper deficiency. Copper is an element involved in many metabolic processes, therefore, the contribution of this element translates into adequate growth and vigor. In contrast, copper phototoxicity is produced by excess iron and displaces it causing the copper to be completely blocked. This also occurs in Oomycetes, but at a different level. Copper levels that are suitable for plants are toxic to fungi. The perfect mobility allows a very uniform distribution of copper in the plant.

