Josphan admin September 25, 2023




Flowering and Fruiting Biostimulant


JOSPHAN is a liquid compound used for fruit formation. They also contribute to homogeneous flowering thanks to their high content of molybdenum, nitrogen, carbohydrates and tryptophan content. Tryptophan is the precursor to indoleacetic acid (IAA), which increases hormone levels in the plant's metabolic and physiological processes. IAA generates the majority of auxin effects in plants, and is the most potent native auxin. Auxins have an important role in coordinating the growth of many behavioral processes in the plant life cycle specifically for the development of plant organs (such as leaves or flowers).

JOSPHAN stimulates an increase in pollen viability and humidity of the stigma walls, promoting pollination as well as greater fruit or seed formation. It also increases the extensibility of the cell wall and stimulates fruit development.

