Old News admin February 13, 2024
Old News
February - 2013

The absorption of calcium by the plant is passive and does not require an energy source. Calcium is transported throughout the plant mainly through the xylem, along with water. Therefore, calcium absorption is directly related to the transpiration rate of the plant. Conditions of high humidity, cold, and low levels of perspiration can cause calcium deficiency. Increasing soil salinity could also cause calcium deficiency as it decreases water absorption by the plant. Since the mobility of calcium in plants is limited, calcium deficiency appears in the youngest leaves and fruit, because they have a very low transpiration rate. Therefore, it is necessary to have a constant supply of calcium for continued growth. We recommend the application of JOSPOLI Ca ​​because it is an active source of calcium for crops due to its composition rich in polycarboxylic acids and reducing sugars that facilitate the absorption of calcium by the plant.


INTERJOSPAL, develops the product JOSPA K 30, formulated with 30% W/V potassium to increase the size and external and internal quality of the fruit. We recommend the application of the JOSPA K 30 product in the fattening phase. The pH of JOSPA K 30 favors the compatibility and stability of the mixed products, avoiding degradation and enhancing the absorption of the products in the mixture, and their effectiveness.

December 2012

Foliar fertilization: Foliar fertilization is a common practice of supplying nutrients to plants through their foliage. It involves spraying fertilizers dissolved in water directly on the leaves. Foliar nutrition offers several advantages compared to soil applications. Foliar nutrition also allows the growth of the crop to be promoted in less favorable situations. So, for example, soil applications are useless in cold conditions, because the plant roots are not active. We recommend the application of JOSBOOM formulated based on ammonium molybdate, which is indicated to promote flowering and fruit setting. Foliar applications are often the only solution for rapid treatment when growth stimulation is necessary.

November 2012

C.I.C: Cation Exchange Capacity, refers to the total amount of negative charges that are available on the surface of particles in the soil. It is an indicator of the soil to retain and exchange plant nutrients, through its ability to retain cations. (cations = substances that have a positive charge). Organic matter has a negative charge on its surface. Cations are attracted to these particles by electrostatic forces. The net charge of the soil is therefore zero. ORGAFORTE PLUS is an excellent soil conditioner rich in organic matter, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. It provides organic matter to soils, being considered more fertile, and promotes the absorption of nutrients due to its high catatonic exchange capacity (C.I.C.).


The importance of algae in modern agriculture: Algae and their derivatives invigorate plants, increasing the yields and quality of crops, so this practice is replacing the use of chemical products with organic products, this favors agriculture. sustainable. JOSPALGA 25 is made with the sea algae Ascophyllum nodosum, thanks to its content of fiber, macro and micronutrients, amino acids, vitamins and plant phytohormones, it is a useful fertilizer and a source of trace elements. JOSPALGA 25 has better properties than fertilizers, because it slowly releases nitrogen, and is also rich in microelements.


We are pleased to inform you that we will be at SIFEL – SALON INTERNATIONAL PROFESSIONNEL DE LA FILIÈRE FRUITS & LEGUMES Between December 8 – 11. We believe that it can be an opportunity to meet and reach agreements about our cooperation in the future, and we will be glad to have you visit our booth. You will find us in HALL 2, Spanish Pavilion.