Product in solution from liquid organic matter.
ORGAFORTE is a humic amendment rich in organic matter that is essential in all modern agriculture due to the growing lack of organic matter in our soils and its easy application to correct these deficiencies. The product can modify and improve the physical, chemical, biological or mechanical properties of the soil.
ORGAFORTE is an excellent soil conditioner rich in organic matter, nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, with acidic pH. Total solubility in water. Its use improves the structure of the soil by reducing compaction, increasing nutrient absorption, stimulating plant metabolism, root development, has the ability to create cohesion and improves porosity and aeration in its application.
ORGAFORTE increases water retention capacity, improves soil structure, improves the development and activity of microbial flora, improves root respiration, as well as the development of plants and fruits.