Josparoot Plus admin September 25, 2023


Josparoot Plus


Root Biostimulant


JOSPAROOT PLUS is an activator of biological processes rich in free amino acids that are easily assimilated by the plant, which promotes root development during times of stress and periods of low temperatures, thanks to the optimal combination of amino acids and polysaccharides. The presence of these favors the absorption of the nutrients (macro and micro elements) it contains. JOSPAROOT PLUS is recommended for early treatment to promote rapid root development, promoting a more vigorous plant from the beginning and to improve resistance to extreme weather conditions. JOSPAROOT PLUS through its application to the crop: • We have good root development. • Improves absorption of nutrients. • Increases plant growth. • Stimulates the plant's self-defense against soil diseases. • Develops impressive secondary and tertiary roots and the regeneration of damaged roots. • Helps the recovery of root systems affected by nematode attacks. • Bio-stimulant that is used in the physiological processes of plants at critical moments of crops, at all stages.

